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Be Yourself

May 31, 2017

It’s time for a poetic party and you’re invited! This week join Birgit Edblom as she explores the range of possibilities available with our newest collection, Poetic.

Birgit’s next card features a Poetic portrait. Say hello to 40-549 Isabelle.

And Birgit’s bold sentiment choice is from our miniature 3 x 4 inch transparent set, 30-433 Be….

Tips/Techniques: Stamp portrait onto watercolor paper (Saunders Waterford High White HP) and paint with watercolors (Daler Rowney). Once dry, stamp sentiment with VersaFine Onyx Black ink. Fussy cut portrait and adhere to textured cardstock (Birgit recommends Paper Accent, Bazzill Linen Textured Cardstock, or Scrapberrys Canvas Cardstock).

We just love this clean and simple approach to our new portrait stamps.

Shop for today’s featured Penny Black supplies

40-549 Isabelle
30-433 Be…


Birgit’s Beautiful Brushstrokes

May 30, 2017

Don’t miss the new creation on our Simplicity Site today… click HERE to check it out!

And now scroll down for more Poetic inspiration with Birgit!

It’s time for a poetic party and you’re invited! This week join Birgit Edblom as she explores the range of possibilities available with our newest collection, Poetic.

Today is all about Birgit’s beautiful brushstroke stamping and we begin the party with our Slapstick/Cling stamp, 40-545 Lustrous, and miniature 3 x 4 inch transparent sentiment set, 30-433 Be….

Tips/Techniques: Color directly onto floral stamp using Caran d’Ache Neocolor Artists crayons, mist with water, and stamp onto watercolor paper (Saunders Waterford High White HP). Use water and a paintbrush to add additional blending and shading to the image on the paper. Once dry, lightly stamp background with text using Peeled Paint Distress Ink. Stamp sentiment with a mix of Versafine Onyx Black and Peeled Paint Distress Inks. Ink background using Peeled Paint Distress Ink, applied with an ink blending tool and a foam pad.

Next, Birgit has used the same stamp and color scheme, but has given it a completely different look by altering her card layout.

Tips/Techniques: Color directly onto stamp using Caran d’Ache Neocolor Artists crayons, mist with water, and stamp onto watercolor paper (Saunders Waterford High White HP). Paint background using Daler Rowney watercolors, allowing edges of floral stamp to blur with the water. Stamp sentiment and layer with square frames cut from simple square dies.

On this next card, Birgit has enlightened the buds on our Slapstick/Cling stamp, 40-547 Flower Lanterns, with a rich gold and yellow color scheme.

Tips/Techniques: Ink background watercolor paper (Saunders Waterford High White HP) with Peeled Paint and Frayed Burlap Distress Inks using an ink blending tool and foam pads. Lightly stamp text using Peeled Paint ink. Color directly onto floral stamp with Caran d’Ache Neocolor Artists crayons, mist with water, and stamp. Use water and a paintbrush to add additional blending and shading to the image on the paper. Add white highlights to the flowers using a gel pen. Stamp sentiment with Versafine Onyx Black ink.

And before we “leaf”, we had to share this card by Birgit featuring our Slapstick/Cling stamp, 40-544 Poetic.

Tips/Techniques: To create the background, sponge Distress Inks onto smooth cardstock (Bazill Smoothies cardstock) and stamp text with Distress Inks. Layer behind rectangular frame cut with simple rectangular die. Color directly onto leaf with Caran d’Ache Neocolor Artists crayons, mist with water, and stamp onto watercolor paper (Saunders Waterford High White HP). Once dry, fussy cut and apply Forest Moss Distress Ink to the outer edges using an ink blending tool and a foam pad. Layer onto card.

Shop for today’s featured Penny Black supplies

Card 1: 40-545 Lustrous, 30-433 Be…, 30-238 Footnotes

Card 2: 40-545 Lustrous, 30-350 Sentiment Collection

Card 3: 40-547 Flower Lanterns, 30-350 Sentiment Collection, 30-238 Footnotes

Card 4: 40-544 Poetic, 30-238 Footnotes, 30-404 Spiritual Snippets


Poetic Party with Birgit

May 29, 2017

It’s time for a poetic party and you’re invited! This week join Birgit Edblom as she explores the range of possibilities available with our newest collection, Poetic.

Our Creative Die set, 51-356 Summer Goodies, is great for a multitude of styles and projects. Today Birgit has given it an elegant look by combining it with our Creative Die, 51-326 Graceful Greenery.

Tips/Techniques: Onto textured cardstock (Birgit recommends Paper Accent, Bazzill Linen Textured Cardstock, or Scrapberrys Canvas Cardstock), apply Stormy Sky Distress Ink using an ink blending tool and a foam pad. Layer inked background behind a square frame cut using a simple square die. Paint Creative Dies using Daler Rowney watercolors. Once dry, adhere to background and stamp sentiment.

For her next card, Birgit used just the apple from the Creative Die set, 51-356 Summer Goodies. This clean and simple design is fabulous for teacher appreciation cards.

Tips/Techniques: For a design variation, instead of an inked background on textured cardstock, use Daler Rowney watercolors to paint the background onto watercolor paper (Saunders Waterford High White HP). Lightly stamp text before adhering die cut apple and stamping sentiment.

And before we go… how about a fun announcement?


Congrats to the winners of our recent Poetic giveaway! Each of the following fans has won a $25 shopping spree to our online store: @three_wheeled_biker (Instagram winner), GretaH (blog winner), and Mary Jo Von Pay (Facebook winner).  To claim your prize, please email us at your selection of $25 worth of products from our online store.  Be sure to include “POETIC Giveaway Winner” in the subject line of your email and don’t forget to also include your shipping information as well.

Special thanks to ALL who entered and for the amazing comments and support!

Shop for today’s featured Penny Black supplies

Card 1: 51-356 Summer Goodies, 30-358 Happy Snippets, 30-238 Footnotes

Card 2: 51-356 Summer Goodies, 51-326 Graceful Greenery, 30-358 Happy Snippets


alexandra’s Sunday scrapbooking – Merci

May 28, 2017
Hello dear Friends! Welcome to another edition of scrapbooking with Penny Black inc. products. Today, I thought I would share a card made with the beautiful slapstick/Cling Dynamic.
I hope you’ll join me over @ art scrap & more. Thank You!

Runs with Scissors

May 27, 2017

Hello and welcome, Penny Black friends. Here in the United States it is Memorial Day weekend, often referred to as the official start of summer. More importantly, though, it is a day we remember and give thanks for the members of the military who have given their lives in the service to our country.

I have a lot to share with you today, so let’s start with the two graduation cards in this week’s Runs with Scissors.

This mini stamp set, You Did It, is perfect for making cards for the little girl graduates in your life. I think graduation ceremonies are even held at Daycare! This stamp will take you on to Nursery School, Pre-K and finally Kindergarten. She is fun to color and would be fine on a one-layer card, but I fussy cut the image and pop-dotted her onto a background I created using the Dots die. After pondering a bit, I think it might even be fun for the high school grad in your house; just be sure to use the right school colors.

Next, a card for the male graduate. No stamping on this card as The Graduate die set had everything I needed. My kids’ high school colors were red and black so making this card was taking a walk down memory lane. The Graduate die set is perfect for the ladies, too. All you have to do is replace the kraft with white and perhaps a more feminine designer paper.

Warning: a stamp was altered in the making of this card. I love the large Sun Glow stamp but didn’t want to include the stem and leaves for creating my background. I snipped the stem from the flower, knowing no permanent harm was done, and used just the flower. The little mouse from Especially Micey is on his way to bring sunshine to someone’s day. Those Snippets are so much fun to sneak in little messages.

This and That

 First, there is This:

This is a picture of my Mother’s Day gift from my daughter, Kathleen, who lives in Minneapolis. The photo is also proof that some of my kids read Runs with Scissors. Kathleen (I am the only one who doesn’t call her Kathy) read a recent Runs with Scissors post that included a photo of the treadmill that has taken up residence in the bedroom. Perched on the treadmill were my 15 year old “running” shoes. Kathleen immediately knew what to send her Mom for Mother’s Day.

How fun it was to receive a package in the mail with a cheerfully wrapped present inside the brown mailing carton. It was a pretty large box and kind of heavy, too. And underneath all that pretty wrapping paper was this shoebox with these amazing running shoes inside.

The price tag is not visible in the photo, but take my word for it, these are some serious running shoes. They are proof of my daughter’s optimistic estimation of my life span. Or, her optimistic estimation of my commitment to running, treadmill or not!

Now, in case the other kids are feeling left out because there is no photo of their gift, you need to know all seven remembered the day with cards, gifts and flowers. And I am thankful and appreciative.

And now That:

I need to talk about a recent haircut experience. Let me begin by saying I am not good at predicting when I will need my next haircut. Therefore, setting up appointments in advance does not always work for me. Unlike many women who have found their perfect hairdo and their perfect hair stylist, I am still on that quest.

In the twelve years we have lived here, I have probably tried at least that many beauty salons. Well, some were salons, some were less than salon! I not only have trouble predicting when I need the next haircut, I seem to have trouble remembering when that next appointment is. I was more successful using a salon that had an automated appointment reminder system, which helped me keep my appointment, but did nothing for the prediction component.

I seem to have found the system that works best for me by selecting a salon that accepts walk-ins. I have had some good experiences and some disasters. It is chancy at best.

Last year I found the perfect solution when I found Stephanie at a walk-in salon. She “gets” my hair and is often available on a same day basis. Perfect. When I wake up one morning and declare to the mirror, “this is it”, I can be in Stephanie’s chair that afternoon.

There is a downside, however, in that Stephanie does not feel obliged to let me know when she will be on vacation as happened the week before Mother’s Day.

That Saturday found me sitting with a group of shaggy men, women and children in the waiting area of a walk-in salon in my neighborhood. There were six hair stylists very busily cutting, coloring and curling in preparation for Mother’s Day.

As I waited, I paid attention to the various clients’ finished hair styles and had my eye on a young woman who I hoped would be the one cutting my hair. The salon’s system was one of signing in and the stylists then called the next name when they were ready for another customer.

I also had my eye on the stylist closest to the waiting area and Dear Reader, I prayed she would not be the one calling my name. I thought I was safe as she was busy rolling a lady’s hair for a perm.

Just then my preferred stylist finished her client’s awesome haircut and collected payment. I was so excited that my name was next and my wish had come true … and then she retreated to the break room.

And .. oh no … here comes the stylist I was praying would not call my name. Why, you ask?

I have a less than perfect system for choosing a stylist. I place importance on their appearance, especially their hairdo. I realize this is imperfect as someone else probably styles their hair. But that’s my system and according to my criteria, I was in trouble.

The young woman calling my name had one side of her hair shaved. The remaining funky hair was dyed a mixture of bright blue and purple. I managed to tear my eyes away from the hairdo and noticed the ring in her nose (to be fair, it was a small ring). My eye then wandered on to the tattoos covering her arms from shoulder to wrist.

I had no option. It seems a stylist has enough time to do a haircut while the perm solutions work. This was my stylist and this would be my haircut.

We had a surprisingly normal conversation while she snipped and cut my hair. As she shared with me how devoted she was to the beautiful niece in the photo hanging on her mirror, I realized how much her appearance kept people from knowing the “real” person behind the drastic hair and tattoos. She seemed to really care about making me happy with my haircut and even offered to use the curling iron after the cut, a service usually involving an extra charge. Since my hair was now standing up and sticking out in ways that were making me nervous, I accepted the curling iron offer.

Imagine my shock when I went to pay the bill. Total cost, including the curls, $15.99. On the day before Mother’s Day, for a haircut and “style”.

I added a generous tip and thanked her very much. And headed to my car. And to my own hairbrush, mirror and styling products. Like I said, sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn’t.

It will grow back, Stephanie will return from vacation, and life is still good.

Sometimes sending a “get well” message is not appropriate for someone dealing with a more serious or chronic illness. This message from the All Great Things transparent set is perfect for those times, as well as any challenging circumstance. There is much comfort to be had in this set of lovely sentiments.

Sometimes one image is not enough, two of that image is too geometric, but three images feels harmonious. Here I blended various Distress Oxide inks on white cardstock, having in mind that I wanted my Potted Plants to have blue pots and the flowers to be various hues. I then ran the Potted Plant die through my machine three times, placing it on different parts of the paper each time. That “hello” frame from the Love to Travel die set provides the perfect trim and contrast with the bright purple frame.

Today’s series of cards began with a “hello” card and this little mouse from the Cheerful Critters transparent set is sending you smiles as he ends the series. I masked off two sides of my white card base and then blended Distress inks onto the remaining space. Tearing off a corner and displaying script underneath is a technique I borrowed from Jill Foster. I colored the little mouse with Copics and cut him out and pop-dotted him onto the card where he can enjoy all that sunny yellow as he sends notes to his friends.

Bonus: I hope you have had a chance to take a look at the new stamps and dies in the Poetic release that became available last week. I didn’t come across these goodies here at the studio until I was on my way out. I quickly put together this Thank You card using the Thank You Squares die set. That set also includes a little chicken wire die and a sun’s rays die. I have so many ideas for this Thank You die that I may not be able to stop making thank you cards. Anyone remember Snowy?

The good news is that Christina, Cooper’s groomer, is back to work after breaking her leg and will be grooming Cooper this week. Mr. RWS and I don’t know if Cooper is excited about that news, but we surely are. In the meantime, here is Mr. Shaggy himself, dirty face, dirty paws and way too much fur for the warm weather in Alabama.

Like all good things, this edition of Runs with Scissors must end. I’ve stowed the scissors, kicked off my running shoes and tidied the Penny Black studio. I am always a bit puzzled by the mess I can make while stamping. Thank you all for stopping by and especially for your kind comments. I am hoping to spot your work in the Penny Circle Flickr Gallery when I visit.

Shop for today’s featured Penny Black supplies

 Card No. 1: 30-425 You Did It, 51-009 Dots

Card No. 2: 51-348 The Graduate

Card No. 3: 30-283 Snippets, 40-519 Sunglow, 30-410 Especially Micey

Card No. 4: 30-432 Hope Shines, 30-406 All Great Things

Card No. 5: 51-224 Love to Travel, 51-353 Cutout Borders, 51-358 Potted Plant

Card No. 6: 30-426 Cheerful Critters, 1999L Letter Background

Card No. 7: 51-346 Thank You Squares, 51-006 Flutters


Introducing POETIC: Summer Fun

May 26, 2017

One definition of ‘poetic’ is as follows: having an imaginative or sensitively emotional style of expression. That description is perfect for the stamps and dies which are part of our brand new collection, Poetic! Join us this week as we take a closer look at all of the new products, share inspiring tutorials, and host a giveaway, too. View the complete collection by taking a peek at the catalog. All Poetic stamps and dies are also available in our online store.

Summer fun.
Bright and happy.
Today let’s take a closer look at new stamps and dies which are essentials as the temps begin to rise.

Introducing 51-356 Summer Goodies

stamps and dies used on card shown above: 51-356, 30-419, 51-353, 51-354, 30-227

Introducing 51-306 Butterfly Trio

stamps and dies used on card shown above: 51-306, 40-521, 51-014, 51-242, 30-404, 51-354

Introducing 40-522 Happy Birthday

stamps and dies used on card shown above: 40-522, 51-353, 51-354

If you’re looking for a bold card design that can be made using only one stamp, here’s a fun card idea for you.

stamps used on card shown above: 40-522, 51-353

Jill began by adding faux stitched lines to her watercolor paper using our Creative Die, 51-353 Cut Out Borders.

Next she stamped the new Slapstick/Cling stamp, 40-522 Happy Birthday, using waterproof ink.

She painted her image and background using Distress Reinkers used as watercolors.

Then to give this one layer card extra dimension without any bulk, she added shadows to the letters. To begin, she colored with a Tombow Dual Brush Pen on the right-hand side of the letters.

Using a paintbrush and water, she blended the marker to give a softer appearance to the shadows.

And finally, she used the bullet nib of the marker to add dots on the shadows to coordinate with the playful style of the stamp.

That’s it… an easy-peasy one-layer birthday card ready for any summer soiree.

We want YOU to share in the excitement of all things elegant and poetic, so how about a giveaway? We have for you THREE WAYS TO WIN… pick which works best for you, or enter on all three social media platforms! THREE happy stampers will win a $25 shopping spree to our online store. Here’s how to enter:

1: “Like” our Facebook page and leave us a comment there.
2: Leave a comment here on the blog during this week of poetic posts.
3: Follow us on 
Instagram and leave us a comment there.

Note: You don’t need to do all three to qualify, please pick whatever works best for you, although we’d certainly love to connect with you in all three places. We will be choosing one winner from the Facebook entries, one from the blog entries, and one from the Instagram entries so the more ways you enter, the greater your chances of winning. Giveaway closes Sunday, May 28, 2017 at 11:59 PM PST.

All new Poetic products are currently available in our online store. Click HERE to shop or click any of the product numbers and/or names within the post above to view that specific product in our online store.

One more thing… TGIF!

“Like” our page on Facebook for exclusive inspiration by Birgit Edblom!

Introducing POETIC: Versatile Creative Dies

May 25, 2017

One definition of ‘poetic’ is as follows: having an imaginative or sensitively emotional style of expression. That description is perfect for the stamps and dies which are part of our brand new collection, Poetic! Join us this week as we take a closer look at all of the new products, share inspiring tutorials, and host a giveaway, too. View the complete collection by taking a peek at the catalog. All Poetic stamps and dies are also available in our online store.

If you are looking to give dimension and a finished look to your card designs, then these new Creative Dies are just for you. They offer versatility and can be used on many styles of cards, no matter the theme or season.

Introducing Creative Die 51-322 Vine Borders

stamps and dies used on card shown above: 51-322, 40-546, 30-419, 51-132

Introducing Creative Die 51-346 Thank You Squares

stamps and dies used on card shown above: 51-346, 51-354, 30-423, 51-352, 51-308, 40-519

Introducing 51-351 Pop Up Floral Corner

stamps and dies used on card shown above: 51-351, 40-546, 51-132, 51-164, 40-470, 51-354

So how can you achieve an inlay effect with our new border die, 51-322 Vine Borders?

Begin by placing the die onto the edge of the main panel of the card. Use a temporary adhesive, such as painter’s tape, to hold it in place. Then run it through your die cutting machine.

Once the cutting is complete, your panel will look like this.

Adhere it to your notecard as is.

Die cut the border from inked or colored cardstock. Adhere it to your project. It will fit like a puzzle piece into the previously die cut panel.

We want YOU to share in the excitement of all things elegant and poetic, so how about a giveaway? We have for you THREE WAYS TO WIN… pick which works best for you, or enter on all three social media platforms! THREE happy stampers will win a $25 shopping spree to our online store. Here’s how to enter:

1: “Like” our Facebook page and leave us a comment there.
2: Leave a comment here on the blog during this week of poetic posts.
3: Follow us on 
Instagram and leave us a comment there.

Note: You don’t need to do all three to qualify, please pick whatever works best for you, although we’d certainly love to connect with you in all three places. We will be choosing one winner from the Facebook entries, one from the blog entries, and one from the Instagram entries so the more ways you enter, the greater your chances of winning. Giveaway closes Sunday, May 28, 2017 at 11:59 PM PST.

All new Poetic products are currently available in our online store. Click HERE to shop or click any of the product numbers and/or names within the post above to view that specific product in our online store.

And before you go, don’t miss the new creation on our Simplicity Site today… click HERE to check it out!

Introducing POETIC: Floral Brushstrokes

May 24, 2017

One definition of ‘poetic’ is as follows: having an imaginative or sensitively emotional style of expression. That description is perfect for the stamps and dies which are part of our brand new collection, Poetic! Join us this week as we take a closer look at all of the new products, share inspiring tutorials, and host a giveaway, too. View the complete collection by taking a peek at the catalog. All Poetic stamps and dies are also available in our online store.

Today is all about the beautiful floral brushstroke stamps which are part of this new collection. So let’s get going… elegant stamping awaits!

Introducing 40-546 Dancing Daisies

stamps used on card shown above: 40-546, 30-429

Introducing 40-547 Flower Lanterns

stamps used on card shown above: 40-547, 30-432

Introducing 40-545 Lustrous

stamps used on card shown above: 40-545, 30-432, 40-169

Introducing 40-544 Poetic

stamps used on card shown above: 40-544, 30-419

Micheline “Mimi’s” painting techniques are the perfect match with these beautiful brushstroke stamps. Today she walks us through the creation of these vintage blooms.

stamps used on card shown above: 40-546, 30-429

Watch directly on YouTube HERE.

And if you are pining for more color, just follow Micheline “Mimi’s” techniques but substitute more traditional floral colors in place of the browns shown above.

stamps used on card shown above: 40-546, 30-429, 40-169

We want YOU to share in the excitement of all things elegant and poetic, so how about a giveaway? We have for you THREE WAYS TO WIN… pick which works best for you, or enter on all three social media platforms! THREE happy stampers will win a $25 shopping spree to our online store. Here’s how to enter:

1: “Like” our Facebook page and leave us a comment there.
2: Leave a comment here on the blog during this week of poetic posts.
3: Follow us on 
Instagram and leave us a comment there.

Note: You don’t need to do all three to qualify, please pick whatever works best for you, although we’d certainly love to connect with you in all three places. We will be choosing one winner from the Facebook entries, one from the blog entries, and one from the Instagram entries so the more ways you enter, the greater your chances of winning. Giveaway closes Sunday, May 28, 2017 at 11:59 PM PST.

All new Poetic products are currently available in our online store. Click HERE to shop or click any of the product numbers and/or names within the post above to view that specific product in our online store.

Introducing POETIC: Fresh Faces

May 23, 2017

One definition of ‘poetic’ is as follows: having an imaginative or sensitively emotional style of expression. That description is perfect for the stamps and dies which are part of our brand new collection, Poetic! Join us this week as we take a closer look at all of the new products, share inspiring tutorials, and host a giveaway, too. View the complete collection by taking a peek at the catalog. All Poetic stamps and dies are also available in our online store.

Today we take a closer look at some fresh faces. These gorgeous gals are perfectly suited for many types of projects like art journaling, mixed media, décor, and cards, too.

Introducing 40-550 Angelette

stamps used on project shown above: 40-550, 30-433, 30-431

Introducing 40-551 Charlotte

stamps used on project shown above: 40-551, 30-431, 30-116

Introducing 3 x 4 Inch Miniature Transparent Set 30-433 Be…

stamps used on project shown above: 30-433, 40-549

Introducing 40-549 Isabelle

stamps and dies used on project shown above: 40-549, 40-464, 51-132, 30-404, 51-352, 51-353, 51-119

Introducing 40-548 Grace

stamps and dies used on project shown above: 40-548, 30-283, 51-326, 51-353, 51-026

If you’re interested in creating an elegant beauty, then today’s tutorial is just for you! Designer Angela Kennedy walks us through her process in designing this masterpiece.

Angela began by stamping her design onto watercolor paper.

For her flowers and face stamping she used Pumice Stone Distress Ink. This is a water-soluble ink which allows for a no-line watercolor effect once she added her paints. For the sentiment she used StazOn ink because it is a permanent ink and would not bleed when water was added on top.

Angela painted her project using Jane Davenport watercolors and gesso. (For more in-depth shading instruction and art journaling tips and ideas, don’t miss THIS VIDEO

Once dry, a very fine tipped marker can be used to add details to the face and hair, such as eyelashes.

And for a bonus project, using the same techniques, Angela explores a completely different creative direction with the new stamp, 40-551 Charlotte. The possibilities are truly endless with these fresh faces.

stamps used on project shown above: 40-551, 30-431

We want YOU to share in the excitement of all things elegant and poetic, so how about a giveaway? We have for you THREE WAYS TO WIN… pick which works best for you, or enter on all three social media platforms! THREE happy stampers will win a $25 shopping spree to our online store. Here’s how to enter:

1: “Like” our Facebook page and leave us a comment there.
2: Leave a comment here on the blog during this week of poetic posts.
3: Follow us on 
Instagram and leave us a comment there.

Note: You don’t need to do all three to qualify, please pick whatever works best for you, although we’d certainly love to connect with you in all three places. We will be choosing one winner from the Facebook entries, one from the blog entries, and one from the Instagram entries so the more ways you enter, the greater your chances of winning. Giveaway closes Sunday, May 28, 2017 at 11:59 PM PST.

All new Poetic products are currently available in our online store. Click HERE to shop or click any of the product numbers and/or names within the post above to view that specific product in our online store.

Before you go, one more thing– don’t miss the new creation on our Simplicity Site today… click HERE to check it out!

New Release and a GIVEAWAY

May 22, 2017

One definition of ‘poetic’ is as follows: having an imaginative or sensitively emotional style of expression. That description is perfect for the stamps and dies which are part of our brand new collection, Poetic!

With this new release of elegant stamps and dies, we aren’t even going to tease you… you can view the complete catalog TODAY! Just click HERE to take a peek at the poetic pages.

Once you’ve made your wishlist, you can head on over to our online store and shop.
All new products are NOW AVAILABLE!

Anxious to see more? We’re pleased as punch to announce that our designers will be with us, beginning tomorrow, with tutorials featuring these new goodies. But until then, we invite you to join our designer, Jill Foster, as she shares what she’s created with this new collection.

Watch directly on YouTube HERE.

And wait, the good news continues… we want YOU to share in the excitement of all things elegant and poetic, so how about a giveaway? We have for you THREE WAYS TO WIN… pick which works best for you, or enter on all three social media platforms! THREE happy stampers will win a $25 shopping spree to our online store. Here’s how to enter:

1: “Like” our Facebook page and leave us a comment there.
2: Leave a comment here on the blog during this week of poetic posts.
3: Follow us on Instagram and leave us a comment there.

Note: You don’t need to do all three to qualify, please pick whatever works best for you, although we’d certainly love to connect with you in all three places. We will be choosing one winner from the Facebook entries, one from the blog entries, and one from the Instagram entries so the more ways you enter, the greater your chances of winning. Giveaway closes Sunday, May 28, 2017 at 11:59 PM PST.